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Big Wellbeing Co

11 Reviews

Hi, my name is Tegan & I am a Naturopath & Pilates Instructor. BWC is an online platform supporting peoples health through Zoom Pilates & Good Food Meal planning to support allergies, intolerances, planning & supporting your body.

28-day personalised Meal plan

We meet on Zoom for an initial consultation, finding out what you're needing from a meal plan. I take into account - Allergies, intolerances (we can discuss this if you're unsure) - Diets you follow (eg. Vegan, vegetarian, FODMAPS etc) - Food Likes/Dislikes - Time you have to cook - How many people are eating. You'll receive - 28 days (4 x 7-day meal plans) - Loads of new recipes to inspire you! - 4 x 7-day shopping lists