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Wolf of the Willows Brewing

4 Reviews

Independent, and family owned and operated, Wolf of the Willows are an award winning brewery from Mordialloc Victoria. Home of the Big Tinnie. You can find our beers in Liquorland and 1st Choice Liquor across the East Coast of Australia.

Beer for pics and posts!

1 case of Wolf of the Willows beer & 1 case of Aqua Boogie Seltzer in exchange for 15 + varied content pics & a social post. We're wanting to expand our content outside of our own pics- . Wanting pics of people enjoying our beers, in backyards, at beaches, on bush hikes and out exploring our gorgeous Australian Landscape. As many pics as you feel like taking, and at least one social post, story or reel with our tag #wolfofthewillows In exchange you get a free case of beer sent to your place.