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We are an entertainment brand with a suite of brands including Strike Bowling Bar, Holey Moley Golf Club, Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq, Hijinx Hotel, B. Lucky & Sons, Juke's Karaoke and Red Herring Escape Rooms.

Halloween Media Event - Holey Moley & Hijinx Hotel, Alexandria, 3 Oct

Holey Moley and Hijijnx Hotel Alexandria (NSW) is holding an influencer launch party on the 3rd of October, showcasing a spectacular and spooky Halloween event, featuring roaming scare actors! We are offering creators a complimentary experience: - Hijinx Hotel Challenge rooms - Golf - Halloween themed cocktails - Food items of your choice You're welcome to bring a friend along (you must be 18+). The purpose of this content is to showcase our month-long Halloween event and the Fireball Bar.