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Planet A Pet Food

1 Reviews

We're Australia's freshest entovegan dog food. We help people feed their dogs a healthy flexitarian diet, that's also planet healthy. Restaurant-grade plant protein, that looks and tastes like meat but isn’t, & circular economy ingredients.

Meat free pet food for your Dog

You know how you've cut down on meat for your health and the environment? Well, what about your dog? Experiment with a month of Meat-Free Mondays (and Tuesdays) with Australia's freshest entovegan dog food. Featuring human-grade plant protein that tastes like meat but isn't, as well as insect protein, upcycled veg and algae, Planet A Pet Food makes a flexitarian diet for dogs easy and healthy. This gift includes: - 3 x No-Meat Mincey Dinner - 3 x No-Meat Chunky Dinner - 1 x Protein Base Mix