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Wagchild is a brand dedicated to elevating the dog walking experience for fashion-conscious pet parents. Our Crossbody Dog Walking Bags are set to revolutionize the way dog owners approach their daily strolls with their furry companions.

Dog Owners: Wagchild Ultimate Walkie Bundle

You will receive one of four Wagchild Ultimate Walkie Bundles (including our Crossbody Dog Walking Bag, Flat Water Bottle, Collapsible Bowl) as well as a matching Branded Accent Strap. In addition you'll get a goodie bag of special treats for your furry friend (Fuzzyard toy, Woofbutter treats, Belle & Bone Dental Stick and compostable poo bags). Wagchild is a brand dedicated to elevating the dog walking experience for fashion-forward pet parents, so are looking for dog mums for this collab.