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Gifting Campaigns
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Gifting Campaigns
Influencer Discovery
Campaign Management
Content Creation
Content Licensing
Shopify Integration
Create a beautifully presented gifting campaign that clearly lists the exchange deliverables, to attract influencers or content creators who want to collaborate.
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Get exposure to over 5,000 of the world's best influencers to launch or promote your food, fashion, beauty, tech, fitness, homewares, travel or lifestyle brand.
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Forget unwieldy spreadsheets and messy DM conversations. Manage all your Influencers in one place.
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Create unique user generated content that stands out and demonstrates a real connection with your brand.
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License amazing brand content from influencers and creators for digital, print and broadcast for a simple and affordable flat fee.
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Gift seamlessly from your store’s Shopify catalogue, manage inventory and fulfillment for your gifts.
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For Brands
How It Works
Why Gifted
Case Studies
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Why Gifted?
Case Studies
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Learn how to discover new influencers, create campaigns, unique content and much more
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Discover how Gifted can help your brand get discovered with features like content creation, content licensing, and a variety of integrations.
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We’ve worked with the best in the business in every category! Check out some incredible campaigns we’ve worked on.
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Choose the package that best suits your brand, or if you’re a content creator, download the app for free!
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Get your product in the right hands fast. No more trawling Instagram, messy DM’s and crossing your fingers!
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Have some questions? Learn the A to Z on how #gifted can help your brand succeed.
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For Creators
How It Works
Why Gifted?
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Why Gifted?
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Learn how to be rewarded for your social clout and receive gifts & experiences from top brands.
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Have some questions? Learn the A to Z on how #gifted can help your brand succeed.
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Get rewarded with gifts & experiences from top brands that you love.
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Parenting creators and influencers in New South Wales, Australia
Parenting creators and influencers in New South Wales, Australia
Collaborate with top Parenting creators and influencers in New South Wales, Australia on #gifted
Top rated creators
Haley Spirou
Alina Gudemchuk
Bernice Averion
Bianca King
Sherry Yu
Life And Our Little Adventures
Chelle Green
Brooke Morehead
Rebecca Goss
Marissa Tea
Mia Maldonado
jackie brock
Alhana Friend
Samantha Ponting
Stephanie Tourneur
Claire Karlson
Josie Borg
Taylah-Rae Brunetta
Jessica Devi
Briony Benjamin
Sarah Bettiens
Samantha Thornton
Simone Jade Menenti
Dani Soares
Leah May
Belinda Haddad
Sam Martin
Dani Paranthoiene
Monica Hope Mourao
Sky Carden
Lisa Graziano
Rebecca Smith
Emma Bruce
Keira Trainor
Chelsea Pape-Gray
Emily Hill
Jess Vella
Madison Banks
Skye Scott
Jana Hermes
Grace Jackson
Jessi Elliott
Bianca Wilshin
Sara gautam
Brittany b
Taryn Irvine
Lavinia pembroke
Sara Woodward
Emily Becca
Emily Thai
Claire Morgan
Bianca White
Creators with highest followers
Bianca King
Bianca Wilshin
Sara Woodward
Belinda Haddad
Madison Banks
Bernice Averion
Dani Soares
Tiffany Donaldson
Mitchell Eliot
jackie brock
Andie Soetaman
Jana Hermes
Lisa Graziano
Brooke Hearne
Gen Muir
Alhana Friend
Simone Jade Menenti
Sara gautam
Lavinia pembroke
Amanda Heffernan
Emilia Victoria
Klaire O’Connell
Shannon Wong-Nizic
Jessica Yates
Keira Trainor
Skye Scott
Stephanie Vara
Jaye green
Blair Rachael
Libby Babet
Life And Our Little Adventures
Hayley Connor
Dani Paranthoiene
Taryn Irvine
Ivone Hendarta
Emily Becca
Briony Benjamin
Sherry Yu
Sam Martin
Chelle Green
Sarah Bettiens
Stephanie Tourneur
Janine Price
Julia-Rose O’Connor
Mia Maldonado
Samantha Thornton
Sky Carden
Amelia Phillips
Claire Karlson
Emily Thai
Grace Jackson
Taylah-Rae Brunetta
Claire Morgan
Brittany b
Liz Wanat
Rebecca Smith
Jessica Devi
Tamara Whitehead
Brooke Barrett
Laura Zacharias
Leah May
Monica Hope Mourao
Jessi Elliott
Sara Eshu
Bianca White
Lisa Patulny
Abby Pemberton
Jess Vella
Alina Gudemchuk
Sarah Cousens
Rebecca Goss
Chelsea Wilson
Chelsea Papegray
Chelsea Pape-Gray
Samantha Ponting
Marissa Tea
Haley Spirou
Emily Reynolds
Josie Borg
Tiara Perry
Emily Hill
Brooke Morehead
Emma Bruce
Newest creators
Gen Muir
Bianca White
Julia-Rose O’Connor
Brooke Barrett
Mitchell Eliot
Chelsea Papegray
Sara Eshu
Claire Morgan
Emily Thai
Klaire O’Connell
Tiara Perry
Emily Becca
Sarah Cousens
Janine Price
Sara Woodward
Lavinia pembroke
Jaye green
Taryn Irvine
Brittany b
Emilia Victoria
Sara gautam
Bianca Wilshin
Jessi Elliott
Grace Jackson
Jana Hermes
Liz Wanat
Skye Scott
Madison Banks
Chelsea Wilson
Jess Vella
Ivone Hendarta
Tamara Whitehead
Emily Hill
Chelsea Pape-Gray
Keira Trainor
Hayley Connor
Emma Bruce
Rebecca Smith
Amanda Heffernan
Emily Reynolds
Lisa Graziano
Sky Carden
Monica Hope Mourao
Dani Paranthoiene
Sam Martin
Belinda Haddad
Abby Pemberton
Leah May
Dani Soares
Simone Jade Menenti
Samantha Thornton
Tiffany Donaldson
Jessica Yates
Sarah Bettiens
Briony Benjamin
Libby Babet
Jessica Devi
Laura Zacharias
Amelia Phillips
Taylah-Rae Brunetta
Josie Borg
Claire Karlson
Shannon Wong-Nizic
Andie Soetaman
Stephanie Tourneur
Samantha Ponting
Alhana Friend
jackie brock
Brooke Hearne
Mia Maldonado
Marissa Tea
Rebecca Goss
Brooke Morehead
Chelle Green
Lisa Patulny
Life And Our Little Adventures
Sherry Yu
Stephanie Vara
Bianca King
Bernice Averion
Alina Gudemchuk
Haley Spirou
Blair Rachael
Recently booked creators
Blair Rachael
Haley Spirou
Alina Gudemchuk
Bernice Averion
Bianca King
Sherry Yu
Life And Our Little Adventures
Chelle Green
Brooke Morehead
Rebecca Goss
Marissa Tea
Mia Maldonado
jackie brock
Alhana Friend
Samantha Ponting
Stephanie Tourneur
Claire Karlson
Josie Borg
Taylah-Rae Brunetta
Laura Zacharias
Jessica Devi
Libby Babet
Briony Benjamin
Sarah Bettiens
Samantha Thornton
Simone Jade Menenti
Dani Soares
Leah May
Abby Pemberton
Belinda Haddad
Sam Martin
Dani Paranthoiene
Monica Hope Mourao
Sky Carden
Lisa Graziano
Emily Reynolds
Amanda Heffernan
Rebecca Smith
Emma Bruce
Keira Trainor
Chelsea Pape-Gray
Emily Hill
Tamara Whitehead
Jess Vella
Madison Banks
Skye Scott
Jana Hermes
Grace Jackson
Jessi Elliott
Bianca Wilshin
Sara gautam
Brittany b
Taryn Irvine
Jaye green
Lavinia pembroke
Sara Woodward
Janine Price
Emily Becca
Klaire O’Connell
Emily Thai
Claire Morgan
Sara Eshu
Chelsea Papegray
Mitchell Eliot
Brooke Barrett
Julia-Rose O’Connor
Bianca White