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Set your Instagram account to a Creator Account

Set your Instagram account to a Creator Account

Become a creator on Instagram

To switch your personal account or business profile to a creator account:

  1. Go to your account and tap the hamburger menu.
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Account
  4. Select your category. You can choose a category that best describes what you do.
  • If you are migrating from a personal account, choose Switch to professional account and tap Creator.
  • If you are migrating from a business profile, choose Switch to creator account.
  1. If offered, connect to your Facebook Page
  2. Review your contact information. At least one form of contact information is required. You'll have the option to display or hide this on your profile.
  3. Choose your profile display options. You can decide whether to hide or display your category and contact details on your profile.

For more information, see Instagram Help.

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#fashion, #beauty, #lifestyle